Building a new audience

Before proceeding, ensure that you have chosen the correct account in which to add a new audience. To access your other accounts, click your initials on the top right of the screen and select the desired account from the list presented

Navigate to audiences by either selecting 'Audiences' from the drop menu at the top right of the page;

You'll be taken to the audiences library, click '+ New audiences' at the top right of the screen 

Or if on the home screen, click the '+'  next to 'Audiences' instead;

Building your new audience starts by choosing the devices you wish to reach your audience on;

And then where in the world you want to reach people - What is location targeting?;


Now its time to get granular. Clickads has 6 ways your audience can be further targeted;

Demographic targeting - Create a segment that targets people of;

A specific age range
A specific gender 
Household income
Political Affiliation
Political Personas
Lifestyle and Interests

Interest targeting - Create a segment that targets people who are interested in a specific category

Look - alike targeting - Create a segment that targets people who look like those who have visited your site already

Retargeting - Create a segment that targets people who have visited your site already

Customer list - Upload a Customer list, CRM or address list

Exclusion list - Upload a list of contacts that you want to remove from targeting

GUIDE - Audience targeting explained

Once you've created an Audience, clicking 'Save' will add it to your Audiences library