What is audience targeting?

Audience targeting is key to making sure the people who are most likely to respond to your ads are the ones who see it

Age, gender, income level and educational level are some basic demographic categories that are often used 

You can target audiences based on their interests and habits (i.e., “bargain-hunters”, “pet-lovers”, or “politically liberal”), on things they have been searching for (“luggage”, “Financial services”) and on more detailed demographic targeting (e.g., “recent college graduates”, “home owner”, “teacher”) 

If you know that your business, service, or product is more likely to appeal to people within specific categories, then targeting is usually a good idea

If you’re not sure, then it’s better to not apply targeting, until you have some reason to believe you should

In many cases, adding targeting increases the cost of your ads because you have to pay to have access to the targeted audience

 Different data providers have access to different targeting groups

NEXT - Building an audience in Clickads